🚀 Simple Text Ads starting from 1 sat per user!

📣 Send your message to thousands of lightning addresses
💡 Reach Lightning and Bitcoin users from 1 sat per user

🎯 Interactive Campaigns with Guaranteed Visitors!

🎉 Create a targeted Lightning campaign to reach potential users
👀 Guaranteed and verifiable visitors to your landing page from 11 sats (~ 0.5 cent) per visitor
💸 You only pay for users that access your landing page
💰 Cost-effective way to showcase your interactive message

🌐 How Interactive Campaigns Work

🖱️ Create a landing page on your website with your content – text, images, videos, forms (or use your main website)
🚀 Create an interactive campaign on Satsforads: Add Interactive Campaign
📤 Set the "send" amount (usually 1-5 sats) to send your message to lightning users
👁️ Set the "view" amount (from 10 sats) charged only after a successful visit to your landing page
🔄 We distribute "send" sats, each user receiving $send (1) sats with a message like:
"$sender sent you $send sats. Claim them here: $uniquelink."
🌐 When a user accesses the unique link, they are taken to your landing page
and receive another link to claim "view" sats

How does this landing page look like? What will the user / visitor see when accessing his / her unique link?
Landing Page Model